The Spin Doctors's "Jimmy Olsen's Blues"
And Five for Fighting's hit song also called "Superman" (subtitled "It's Not Easy.")
Superman's cousin is also featured in a self-titled song by XTC: "That's Really Super, Supergirl."
Suicide's "Ghost Rider" strangely did not make its way into the big budget Nicolas Cage feature (but it probably couldn't have saved it anyway.)
And, of course, there is the Ramones's cover of the theme song from the 1960s Spiderman cartoon.

There are many more, of course, but I'll leave you with those for now. Do you have a favorite that I didn't feature here? Drop a note in the comments.Maybe I'll put it in a future entry. (This is an interactive blog.)
1 comment:
You missed one of my favorite Superman tunes: "Superman's Song" by Crash Test Dummies. Like "It's Not Easy," it gives you that feeling that Superman really is alone despite all he's capable of.
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