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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday Tunes: Musical Birthdays All Around

Today is the birthday of the eldest Marx brother, Leonard, more commonly known as "Chico" Marx. In addition to being a brilliant comedian like his brothers, Chico was also a gifted pianist - something he demonstrated in the Marx Brothers films. Here he is in A Day at the Races.

Also celebrating a birthday today are two legends of Broadway Theatre. Chronologically speaking, first up is Stephen Sondheim. This is one of my favorite Sondheim songs from the 1976 musical production of Pacific Overtures:

Next, here is Denise Van Outen performing "Tell Me On A Sunday" by our other Broadway birthday boy, Andrew Lloyd Webber. (This is possibly the only break-up ballad to contain the word "chimpanzees." Well done, lyricist Don Black.)

I cannot mention Broadway today and then forget to point out that one of the most famous songs about the Great White Way was made so by another artist whose birthday is today, jazz guitarist George Benson.

Before I leave Broadway behind, I have one more birthday beneath those neon lights. Today ia also the birthday of the The Wiz's original Dorothy, Stephanie Mills.

Okay, one more. How could I possibly forget that today is also the birthday of the Canadian actor who would embody perhaps the greatest science fiction hero of the 20th century (er, 23rd century, well, you know what I mean) James Tiberius Kirk. The man is William Shatner, famous for his unique line delivery and infamous for his extremely unique cover versions of pop songs, like this one:

Happy Birthday, one and all.

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