Look at this.
It's called a puffin painting, and is created by these funny little aquatic birds sometimes called sea parrots or the clowns of the sea.

Regularly priced at $150, through December 24th you can get one of these one-of-a-kind works of art for just $100 and the proceeds go to benefit the Alaska Sea Life Center and the

*Update*: Ali just posted another (and less expensive) way to support puffins in the comments section throught the Puffins Cereal website, which I have now made a link here in the main post.
Puffins are so adorable partially because they have so much personality. Other than watching the sea lion (also adorable), my classmates and I spent the majority of our time watching the puffins.
If one can't afford a puffin painting, but still wants to give puffin love, the Puffins Cereal website has some cute cheaper stuff: http://www.worldpantry.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/CategoryDisplay?cgmenbr=587770&cgrfnbr=881915
Their sales support the Audubon's Project Puffin.
Thanks, Ali. I'll put this on the front page.
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