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Monday, September 28, 2009

Miscast Theatre People

I had not planned to go to Miscast tonight. I usually regard these kinds of shows as little more than a parade of vanities and an opportunity for theatre people to gather.
As a good fried once told me, "Brady, you may work in theatre, but you're not 'theatre people.'"
The concept for the show is sound - actors performing roles for which they would never be cast. There is an opportunity for lots of literal and figurative cross-dressing, which appeals to many actors and is always good for a few chortles from the audience.
Ultimately, I was moved to attend for three reasons.
One: Emily Paton-Davies (one of my favorite actors) would be there goofing around with everyone else, and I may not going to make it down to the Springs to see her in Our Town. Two: It's a fundraiser for Paragon - in my opinion, one of the most important theatres in Denver.
Three: Heroes is pretty stupid anymore. Ooh, is Sylar a good guy or a bad guy? You know what? Sylar's a tool. Yeah, I said it. Not as big of a tool as Peter, but a tool nonetheless.
In all seriousness, though, I'm glad I followed the impulse. I may not be theatre people, but I do enjoy them. It was a great show, too, and, though vanity was present, these performers certainly have good reason to be vain.
I won't go too far into what went on. If you were there, you saw it. If you weren't, I see no need to rub your nose in it.
(John Moore was taking video. I'll let him rub your nose in it.)
I always say that theatre should be a moving experience, even on the subtlest of levels. Theatre should make us think, and, more importantly, make us feel.
Tonight was a lot of silliness, but silliness in the name of love - a love of theatre, a love of performing, a love of audience.
It's hard not to get caught up in that just a little, even if you're just a big bad wolf.
An added bonus: the presence of a theatre mentor and one of my favorite people, Bob Moore, there to see his daughter Missy in a funny stage combat scene.

I'll leave you with a quote that popped into my mind while I was watching the show:

"I personally would like to bring a tortoise onto the stage, turn it into a racehorse, then into a hat, a song, a dragoon and a fountain of water. One can dare anything in the theatre and it is the place where one dares the least." - Eugene Ionesco

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